1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, US.
2 Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University, US.
3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,US.
4 Applied Neuroscience, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, US.
5 Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, US.
1 Psychobiology Research Unit, Tel Aviv University, IL.
2 Complex Systems Modeling Group, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, IT.
3 Department of Neurophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, AT.
4 Inilabs Gmbh, CH.
5 Department of Neurobiology, Wiezmann Institute of Science, IL.
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Aichi, JP.
Peter Brunner, Karen Dijkstra, Will Coon, Jürgen Mellinger, Anthony L. Ritaccio, Gerwin Schalk
An ECoG-Based BCI on Auditory Attention to Natural Speech
Albany Medical College and the National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies, Wadsworth Center, Albany, US.
R. Chavarriaga1, L.A. Gheorghe1,2, H. Zhang1, Z. Khaliliardali1, J. d. R. Millán1
Easy riders: Brain-Computer interfaces for enhancing driving experience
1 Defitech Chair in Brain-Machine Interface, Center for Neuroprosthetics, EPFL, Lausanne, CH.
2 Mobility Services Laboratory, Nissan Research Center, Nissan Motor Co., JP.
Damien Coyle1, Karl McCreadie2, Jacqueline Stow3, Jacinta McElligott3, Aine Carroll3
Sensorimotor Modulation Assessment and Brain-Computer Interface Training with Auditory feedback in Disorders of Consciousness
1 School of Computing and Intelligent Systems, Ulster University, UK.
2 Intelligent Systems Research Centre, Ulster University, UK.
3 National Rehabilitation Hospital, IE.
Christian Herff1, Dominic Heger2, Adriana de Pesters3,Dominic Telaar2, Peter Brunner3,4, Gerwin Schalk3,4, Tanja Schultz1
Brain-to-Text: Towards continuous speech as a paradigm for BCI
1 Cognitive Systems Lab, Universität Bremen, Bremen, DE.
2 Cognitive Systems Lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, DE.
3 National Resource Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies, Wadsworth Center, Albany, US.
4 Department of Neurology, Albany Medical College, Albany, US.
Roni Hogri1,3, Simeon A. Bamford2,4, Aryeh H. Taub1,5
De-novo experience-based learning in rats interfaced with a “cerebellar chip”
1 Psychobiology Research Unit, Tel Aviv University, IL.
2 Complex Systems Modeling Group, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, IT.
3 Current address:Department of Neurophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, AT.
4 Current address: Inilabs Gmbh, CH.
5 Current address: Department of Neurobiology, Wiezmann Institute of Science, IL.
Guy Hotson1, David P McMullen2, Matthew S. Fifer3, Matthew S. Johannes4, Kapil D. Katyal4, Matthew P. Para4, Robert Armiger4, William S. Anderson2, Nitish V. Thakor3, Brock A. Wester4, Nathan E. Crone5
Individual Finger Control of the Modular Prosthetic Limb using High-Density Electrocorticography in a Human Subject
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, US.
2 Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University, US.
3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, US.
4 Applied Neuroscience, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, US, 5Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, US.
Kenji Kato, Masahiro Sawada, Tadashi Isa, Yukio Nishimura
Restoration for the volitional motor function via an artificial neural connection
National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Aichi, JP.
Guangye Li, Dingguo Zhang
Brain-Computer Interface Controlling Cyborg: A Functional Brain-to-Brain Interface between Human and Cockroach
Robotics Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN.
N Mrachacz-Kersting1, L Yao2, S Gervasio1, N Jiang3, BD Ebbesen1, TS Palsson1, TG Nielsen1, E Kamavuako1, R. Xu2, D. Falla2, K Dremstrup1, D Farina2
A Brain-Computer-Interface to combat musculoskeletal pain
1 Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, DK.
2 University Medical Center, Göttigen, DE.
3 University of Waterloo, CA.
Sergey D. Stavisky, Jonathan C. Kao, Paul Nuyujukian, Stephen I. Ryu, Krishna V. Shenoy
Increasing the useful lifespan of intracortical BCIs by decoding local field potentials as an alternative or compliment to spikes
Stanford University, US
The Award Ceremony took place at the SfN Neuroscience 2015 in Chicago, Illinois, Cuvée Lounge, Chicago, USA, October 19th, 2015